parshat Beha'alotcha

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Yeshiva WebsiteDivine Light
God, the Creator of the Universe, is the Source of Light. Why would He need the light of the Menorah?
  • Blow When You Are Happy
    Our parasha lists several uses for the chatzotrot (trumpets) that Bnei Yisrael were commanded to make. They were used in the desert, where all Bnei Yisrael were encamped together, for gathering the people or the leaders and as a sign to travel (Bamidbar 10:2-7). The Torah goes on to list purposes that were used throughout generations when the people were in their own land – to turn to Hashem when war or other trouble appeared (ibid. 9) and to blast joyous sounds on “your happy day (yom simchatchem), your moadim (special days within the year), and your new months … on your burnt offerings and your shelamim offerings” (ibid. 10).
  • A Miraculous Non-Miracle
    A brief Dvar Torah on the Parsha, based on R. Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Torah Commentary
  • The First Sanhedrin
    A brief Dvar Torah on the Parsha, based on R. Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Torah Commentary
  • The Rabble
    A brief Dvar Torah on the Parsha, based on R. Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Torah Commentary
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